Thursday, March 29, 2007

Comfort Food from Childhood - Chili Spaghetti

It is a rainy cold spring day here and I needed a little cheer-me-up so I made a favorite from my childhood. We did not eat out very often but when we did we went to Bob's Big Boy Restaurant. They no longer exist but I have a very clear memory of that big chubby boy with a cowlick that was at all the restaurants(a statue of sorts). Not fine art, but definite pop art.

When we would go to Bob's we very often ordered this specialty, Chili Spaghetti. It is a simple dish. Spaghetti noodles with a hearty serving of chili and a large slice of melted cheese on top. My sister , who also uses this as comfort food, says it has to be American cheese. But I like a nice slice of sharp cheddar cheese.

I think that this must be a western cousin of Cincinnati chili. But I have never actually had this Cincinnati favorite.

When I make this at home I use noodles, canned chili(nothing fancy here) and sharp cheddar. Like I said simple.

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