Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Chocolate is an important health food!

I was reading yesterday on that Chocolate is showing promise of lowering the risks of cancer, heart failure, diabetes and stroke. Some said it might rival penicillin in its societal importance and maybe its health component (epicatechin) should be considered a vitamin. You gotta love that! The best part of this article was a quote from a reader "That does it! No more penicillin-chip cookies for me!"

This means that I am now on the hunt for chocolate recipes. But I don't want to overdue the sugar so I am looking for savory chocolate recipes. Mole, anyone? I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Matt Kronberg said...

This is good news to me! As you know, I can always use a good excuse to eat more chocolate!

I like your blog!
