Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Preserving Lemons

I have been wanting to try this for awhile. I happened to have a bag of organic lemons that needed to be used so I gave it a try. But now I have to wait 30 days to find out if it worked. I like the idea of learning old fashioned techniques of preserving food. Because of refrigerators and freezers it is a dying art. I am of German descent and my mother says she remembers her grandmother making her own pickles, sour kraut and olives. I wish the techniques had been passed down more thoroughly. My mother used to make sour kraut but not so much anymore. I have to admit to a slight fear that things will go awry(i.e. rot instead of ferment), which is why I haven't committed to learning to preserve.

Someday I would like to can and preserve more of my own foods. But right now I do not have the time to spare. So just for now I will give these lemons a try. The final product I will use in some Moroccan Food. I will also probably give some to friends. In 30 days I will post an update.

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